if the mail notification looks like this:
Backup backup_Daily Prod_20120419200002 completed with status partial success. Following VMs were not backed up : [myvm, myothervm]
and the Log in \\vcenter\c$\Program Files\NetApp\Virtual Storage Console\smvi\server\repository\logs\jobid\jobname_timestamp.xml says:
VMware Task "CreateSnapshot_Task" for entity "myvm" failed with the following error: Operation timed out (Zeitüberschreitung beim Vorgang)
then most likely the ESX host or vCenter is too busy creating all snapshots.
SMVI creates 6 concurrent VMware snapshots per datastore.
- make backup jobs with less VMs (one job per datastore)
- limit the concurrent VMware snapshots. this can be done in the file:
\\vcenter\c$\Program Files\NetApp\Virtual Storage Console\smvi\server\etc\smvi.override
change the line
and restart the service:
net stop smvi net start smvi