Brocade SAN Switch Commands

some usefull Brocade SAN Switch commands:


tsclockserver <ip>: set NTP server for time synchronization. theoretically only needed on one switch… (Bug in Firmware 6.2 !)
tsclockserver LOCL: disable NTP server
tstimezone: to set the timezone. for Switzerland use Zurich:
tstimezone Europe/Zurich
tstimezone –interactive
date: show the current date/time

ipaddrshow: show current IP address
ipaddrset: set new ip address


firmwaredownload: to download new firmware from ftp or scp
firmwaredownload -p ftp,anonymous,v6.4.2b

firmwaredownloadstatus: to see firmware installation progress. completely finished after step 5

firmwareshow: show installed firmware versions. primary and secondary needs to be the same, otherwise the firmwaredownload commit has not been finished yet



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